physical disability

美 [ˈfɪzɪkl ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti]英 [ˈfɪzɪkl ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti]
  • 网络身体残疾;肢体残疾;身体上的残疾;肢体弱能
physical disabilityphysical disability
  1. Diagnosis , treatment , monitoring , remission or compensation of injury or physical disability ;


  2. Although they have some physical disability , they are still valuable as we are .


  3. Objective To investigate the needs of rehabilitation in people with physical disability in Beijing .


  4. Objective To analyze the adaptations of assistive devices to persons with physical disability .


  5. Multiple sclerosis cases were identified through Army and Navy physical disability databases and medical record reviews .


  6. Physical disability causes mental anguish .


  7. anguish Physical disability causes mental anguish .


  8. After graduation , Zhang applied as a college teacher but she was turned down because of her physical disability .


  9. Media reports contrasting Yu ` s physical disability with her creative mind have moved , even inspired , many people .


  10. The mental paralyzation is more awful than the physical disability .


  11. The students used a metaphoric and poetic approach to illustrate the question of physical disability instead fo being explicit .


  12. Due to her physical disability , Tammy wa 't able to climb ste very well .


  13. The association between the study participants'weight loss and their reduced physical disability " seemed convincing ," based on those findings , the researchers report .


  14. For those rural old disabled living in economic backward areas , physical disability and psychological pressure are the main factors to make them more disadvantaged .


  15. The more severe persons with physical disability was , the greater the demand of assistive devices was ( P < 0.001 ) .


  16. Some deaf students , because of physical disability , can not master efficient learning strategies , so that they study with double efforts but receive half achievement .


  17. In Tennessee Williams Glass Menagerie , Laura Wingfield suffers severe inferiority complex caused by her physical disability .


  18. In china , such rearing and emplacement of orphans or children abandoned for physical disability are under the charge of civil administration departments .


  19. Sport for persons with a physical disability was introduced after World War II , with its large number of injured servicemen , women and civilians .


  20. At Mr. Trump 's rallies , the candidate has used foul language and mimicked a reporter with a physical disability .


  21. Objective Abnormal glucose metabolism often occurs in essential hypertension . This condition may accelerate the development of blood vessel complication and increase the fatality rate and physical disability rate .


  22. Andrew Paradis nearly buckled from the stress of caring for his wife who had a physical disability and suffered from mental illness .


  23. Conclusions : the mental and physical disability associated with end-stage ankle arthrosis is at least as severe as that associated with end-stage hip arthrosis .


  24. Comparing with a previous disability with negative significance of offenders such as the enemy , outsiders , losers and so on , this disability exist before the physical disability .


  25. People with disabilities is a function of the barriers to physical disability and social groups with special difficulties ; is in the process of development of human society , for human civilization to pay for a class of people .


  26. Dr. Nash remarked in his Nobel biographical sketch that his return to rational scientific thought was not entirely a matter of joy as if someone returned from physical disability to good physical health .


  27. Any seafarer , who is at the age of65 , or is judged incompetence , or becomes incapable of working due to physical disability , shall be forced to retire .


  28. Dr. Nash remarked in his Nobel biographical sketch that his return to rational scientific thought was " not entirely a matter of joy as if someone returned from physical disability to good physical health . "


  29. The intelligent wheelchair is an application of intelligent robot technology and it can provide mobile help to the physical disability crowd . It is the motor-wheelchair that applies the intelligent robot technology , inosculate research in many domains .


  30. They thought of victims as having learning difficulties , having few friends , having low self-esteem , lacking social skills , unassertive or passive , having physical disability , physically weak and being over-protected by parents .
